Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turd-les...

I only ever tend to write about films that I either really loved, or that I really despised. This is mostly because I find it a lot easier to write about something I have strong feelings for rather than something that didn’t stir up anything in me. Last night I went to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles knowing that I’d definitely be writing about it afterwards. The question was which side of the fence would the film fall?

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Even More Film Reviews

This weekend was one of those times that I really made the most of my Cineworld Unlimited card, after a rather lax September in which I basically avoided the box office. I took in I three films, a rather eclectic collection of films actually, and I’m glad to say that they were all pretty decent. One of them I’d recommend to everyone, another I’d recommend to a handful of people and the other I actually wouldn’t recommend to anyone despite the fact I did enjoy.