Thursday, 26 February 2015

Tales from a Ticket Stub - Give it a Name 2009

I’m incredibly awful at sticking to anything, so it’s no surprise that I haven’t updated this in about six weeks – so much for weekly updates. Unfortunately the real world (This is the true story... of seven strangers...) got in the way. So work, the plague, general laziness and a subscription to Marvel Unlimited took precedence. However this is the official return of Tales from a Ticket Stub.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Tales from a Ticket Stub - Give it a Name 2005

I’ve been ridiculously bad at keeping to my resolution since I last posted. I pretty much succumbed to the evils of alcohol on Wednesday through to Sunday and did fuck all that could be considered constructive. I was determined to get back on track this week though and spent last night wiping the sin from my flat and drew a new ticket from my bag to write this week’s Tales from a Ticket Stub – Give It a Name 2005.
If I remember rightly this was my fifth ‘proper’ gig, and my first all-dayer, so it had the potential to go very, very wrong given my penchant for drinking for more than I could handle. Luckily this was kept in check firstly by my good friend Steph, who quite frankly would rarely put up with me being a state, and secondly by excruciatingly long queues for the bar.

Now THAT is the most 'scene' ticket I have ever seen.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Introducing...Tales From a Ticket Stub

I made a resolution this year to try and write every day but I, rather predictably, managed to fail within 24 hours. So instead I decided to challenge myself to do something productive outside of work everyday. It doesn’t need to be anything massive – it can be try a new recipe, watch a new film, start a new book or simply write. I’ve stuck to it pretty well thus far and quite frankly it feels great. It sounds obvious but life just seems a little better when you aren’t just hiding under a duvet waiting for work to begin again. This challenge coincided with finding a big old bag of nostalgia when I went home for Christmas – a rather large selection of gig posters, set lists and ticket stubs. This serendipitous event gave me an idea to ensure that I had something to write about at least one day a week. I call it “Tales from a Ticket Stub”.