We bought Rolo home and got him set up in his new cage straight away, obviously he was nervous but he wasn't as timid as Ghost. Rolo didn't try and wriggle away if you picked him up and quickly adjusted to his new house. Later that night we let them sniff each other and things went really well. Previously we had tried to introduce Ghost to my house-mate's boar but it just ended in some vicious fighting. Clearly Ghost was lonely though and took a liking to Rolo because they pined for each other when we put them to bed in separate cages. The next day I let them roam around together and Ghost would just not leave Rolo alone, he followed him around constantly trying to sniff and mount him (a dominance thing apparently), a week later he still doesn't like to let him out of his sight for too long.
The change in Ghost since the introduction has been remarkable, he's happier being handled and more energetic. The two of them are always chattering and very rarely separated, Ghost seems to have adopted him as a little brother. Sometimes they argue about food as Rolo often snatches whatever Ghost is eating and runs off with it, but other than that they are best friends forever.
They always want to cuddle up together and anywhere that Rolo squeezes into Ghost has to get involved. The next picture is actually taken of my hoody pocket, Rolo is squished in behind Ghost somewhere.
That's pretty much all I have to say about my pair of piggies tonight, I hope I have left you thoroughly overwhelmed by cuteness! It really does brighten up my day when I can watch them chase each other around my room or if I come home and they are cuddled up in their cage. I was lucky to get such a perfect match.
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